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How (not) to digitalize your plastic injection molding process

How (not) to digitalize your plastic injection molding process

Better first-time-right through a better way of working

Our whitepaper “HOW (NOT) TO DIGITALIZE YOUR PLASTIC INJECTION MOLDING DESIGN PROCESS” offers you guidance if you want to modernize your processes in the design of molded parts, molds and machine parameters. 

Why should you digitalize right?

The world has become more uncertain. But between a pandemic, the tectonic shifts and product redesigns we will need to avoid climate catastrophe, and an increasingly complicated geopolitical landscape, one thing is clear: the winners will be those who can adapt and innovate most quickly. 

In plastic injection molding, simultaneously meeting quality, speed and cost goals is a real challenge for product design teams. You want “bullseye” performance with more frequent first-time-right part and mold designs, fewer mold corrections and a faster time to market, and minimized cost, while meeting tightening sustainability requirements. 

The good news is, that proper digitalization can help part, mold and process design teams achieve these goals simultaneously – but only if it is done right

Not every digitalization effort succeeds – so what makes the difference?

Combined with Volume Graphics, we have seen thousands of consulting projects for the introduction of digital solutions in plastic injection molding. We have distilled our insights from these Five important principles have emerged that are crucial to the success of digital transformation.  

Of course, every company is a different animal, and must tailor its approach to its organizational circumstances, customers and employees. That’s why we’ve distilled the five most important principles that characterize particularly high-performance workflows in this white paper.  

These points can be summarized succinctly: A good digitalized process has five characteristics. It is front-loaded, smart iterative, cross-functional, has a consistent definition of quality, and is digitized end-to-end. 

Check out the whitepaper to learn more!

Read the white paper to find out exactly what this means and how it differs from more traditional ways of working.


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